The Dam at Cuyamaca is the second oldest in California and was completed in 1888. It stored water which was then piped down to San Diego in wooden flumes to help quench a desperate need for water in San Diego. Three years later, in 1891, several species of fish were stocked, and the newly formed reservoir became a mountain fishery. Over the next few decades the lake battled off and on with dry spells and water shortages and the fishery was completely wiped out towards the end of World War II.
The lake remained unused until the mid 60's, when a new organization, the Lake Cuyamaca Recreation and Park District, was formed and, through different projects, created a more permanent infrastructure for the lake. A dike was built to create a smaller yet deeper lake which could better resist drought. The larger part of the lake only holds water during very wet seasons.
In 1974, Lake Cuyamaca Park and Recreation District entered into a cooperative trout stocking agreement with California Department of Fish and Game. That was the beginning of a grand love affair between San Diego fishermen and Lake Cuyamaca that has been going on ever since!